+65 (0) 6513 8806 info@anergy.com

How Does it Work

Pyrolysis is the thermochemical decomposition of organic materials at elevated temperatures with no oxygen present. Traditional Pyrolysis is capable of pyrolysing to temperatures of up to 550°C whereas Anergy HTP can pyrolyse at temperatures in excess of 800°C.

The Anergy Pyrolyser

HTP is made possible by the unique design of the Anergy kiln and extensive experience in HTP (over 200 installations in over 50 countries) means that Anergy brings a unique combination of cutting edge design with industrial plant building experience.

Anergy has a patent pending over the High Temperature Pyrolysis Process as well as holding several patents over parts of the process.

Fixed Plant Solutions

Anergy offers larger plants as fixed installations which are constructed on site.

  • Typically available in 3MWe (3tph) modules
  • Tailored solution to fit feedstock and site requirements
  • Permanent power and/or waste disposal solution
  • Can easily integrate into existing plants

Containerised Plant Solutions

Anergy also offers small scale plants that are wholly constructed within shipping containers for easy manufacture and installation. They have a dedicated feed bunker and are designed to be run autonomously. Excellent for remote regions.

  • Scale of 250kW up to 1MWe
  • Standalone generator to take place of diesel gensets
  • Minimum on-site installation and commissioning
  • Semi-portable


Spare parts and specialist commissioning and servicing labour are critical to any operation.

With equipment in over 50 countries Anergy is already well set up to provide spare parts and support across the globe.


To pre-qualified clients in certain jurisdictions that meet the financial and technical requirements of Anergy we can provide financing for the construction and delivery of the plant.